Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Croft
Mrs Rushton
Welcome to Reception Class
Mrs Croft will teach on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mrs Rushton will teach on a Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs Hughes will be in class every day, finishing at lunchtime on a Friday when Mrs Stanworth will come in.
Please take a look at the EYFS tab above, you will find further information here.
Spring 1
The children’s reading day may have changed- a note was put into the bookbags before Christmas. The children will continue to bring home a ‘book for pleasure’ and an independent reader. We have started to go to the library and the children will also start to bring home a library book.
PE will be on Thursday and Friday. Please could all children bring a named PE kit (black shorts, house colour polo shirt and trainers) in a small, named bag and leave it in school. We will be learning ball skills and we will use our bodies to make different shapes, movements and actions.
Our topic after half term is ‘Space’ which is based on Oliver Jeffer’s ‘How to Catch a Star’. We will be retelling the story and writing simple sentences from the story. We will design our own rockets and blast a rocket into space. For our PSHE we are talking about perseverance, resilience and how our actions affect others. We are changing our role play to a spaceship and investigating magnets and different materials. We will talk about Tim Peake. For further information please see Spring 1 Space planning in files.
We continue to strive to have happy, motivated and well-behaved children. We will reinforce ‘The Waverton Way’:
• Be safe
• Be ready
• Be respectful
If you would like to ask us anything through the week you are welcome to email the office at:
If you have any queries just catch us at the door or we would also be happy to speak to you at the end of the day, once the children have left.