Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Duerden



Welcome to Year 2  



Welcome to Year 2. On our class page you will find some general information regarding our class.

Spring Term 1

This half term we will be learning: 



Poetry: London’s burning- creating our own version of a poem.  


Recounts: Diaries, to write a diary based on real events.  


Money: reinforce children's counting skills as well as addition and subtraction strategies.  


Multiplication and division: Children will look at a number of important multiplication and division methods and skills and will gain a more solid understanding of equal groups. 


Outdoor learning.  



Masking Storytime: We will use tools to add effects to a video and know how to begin to use green screen techniques and masking with support.  


History/ Geography 

The Great Fire of London: Children will discover why The Great Fire started, why so many buildings were burnt down, children can understand the affects The Great Fire had on the people in London.  



Freestanding structures: Throughout our lessons we will design, make and evaluate a structure of a Tudor house.  



I wanna play in a band: Children will listen to a song called ‘I wanna play in a band’ which is a rock song written especially for children. They will learn about singing and playing together in an ensemble. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise classic Rock songs.  


Dance: We will create a motif through dance depicting The Great Fire of London. 


Gymnastics: During our lessons we will be using apparatus to develop skills in stretching, curling and arching.  



Living in the wider world: We will discover how can we look after each other and the world.   



Judaism: We will learn about how Jews show faith through practices and celebrations.  


PE takes place on a Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Homework set on Seesaw on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Reading books should be changed on your reading day. Please read every night and record on the Go read app. 

Miss E Duerden  


Links to useful websites: 

Please use the internet safely and sensibly


Maths websites 

Ordering numbers

Finding numbers/ count on and back

Coconut ordering

Smallest to largest ordering 


Toy shop- make amounts  

Hit the button- mental maths game


Mental maths

Fact families

Addition and subtraction

Daily 10 - quick mental maths


English websites 

Verbs and adverbs

Tricky words

Nouns and adjectives



Nouns, verbs and adjectives

Full stops


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