Information for Parents


Children and staff have created rules for behaviour whilst at the club. These are displayed for children to see.

The club also operates a behaviour policy, summarised here. A full copy of this policy is distributed to all members:

Children are expected to respect each other, staff and visitors.

Staff will encourage an atmosphere of care and consideration between all members of the club including children, staff and visitors.


Waverton Out of School Club aims to encourage appropriate behaviour through: praise for good behaviour; emphasis on co-operative play and sharing; talking to children with the courtesy that we expect from them and engaging children in activities

Waverton Out of School Club will not tolerate from any member: bullying; aggressive, confrontational or threatening behaviour; or behaviour intended to result in conflict.

The club has procedures for dealing with unacceptable behaviour.  In the case of violence or behaviour that poses an immediate danger a child is required to be collected directly; as an ultimate sanction, the child may be excluded from the club. Waverton Out of School Club recognises that poor behaviour can occur from time to time for reasons that are not always evident, or as a result of special needs.  It will strive to be flexible in order to accommodate such cases.


We are unable to care for children who are unwell.

Please inform the manager/deputy of any infectious illness your child contracts.  If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea please do not send him/her to the club for 48 hours after the illness has ceased.

Accidents and First Aid

Every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of the children at all times and the club is fully insured. The majority of our staff are trained in first aid and a first aid kit is kept on the premises. We operate an accident procedure and fire drills are carried out regularly.


Please let the manager/deputy know if your child is taking prescribed medicine. Please speak to the manager/deputy if medication needs to be administered during club time.

Complaints Procedure

Waverton Primary Out of School Club is run for the users. We value your opinions. If you have any queries, comments or need to discuss any matters concerning your child, please feel free to speak to the Manager, or any other member of staff.

Verbal complaints will be brought to the next staff meeting for discussion and action.

All written complaints will be acknowledged within five working days of receiving the complaint and a full written response will be within a month of receipt.

A full copy of our complaints procedure and policy is available on request.


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